How It's Done

The other day, I opened a bag of Veggie Booty for my daughter Mia. She said, "Did you just open this?" "Yes." "Then where's all the booty?" I looked inside and the bag was half full. I said, "Maybe we should let the booty people know that their bags are only half full." We sent this photo to the company.

In no time flat, we received a wonderful email back from Pirate Brands asking for more details on our experience. A few days later, we received a big box on the front porch. Mia just loves when she gets mail. There was a letter...

And even better, there was a box full of very full bags of Pirate goodies ("Daddy, is booty good for you?" "Well, it's not bad for you.") and Pirate tattoos and Pirate stickers and a Pirate sword and a Pirate activity book.

I do believe they've earned a customer or two for life...